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Composting and Worm Farming


Lane Cove throws away 19 tonnes of rubbish every day. On average, 40% of rubbish sent to land fill is food waste. You can make a difference by composting your food scraps or by using a worm farm.

Apart from reducing the amount of waste leaving Lane Cove, composting and worm farming have many benefits for the environment such as:

  • improving soil structure;
  • increasing the ability of soil to retain moisture; and
  • reducing weed emergence and erosion.

Further information about composting and worm farming is available below.

Compost and Worm Farming Workshops

Lane Cove Council regularly runs composting and worm farming workshops. These three hour workshops will tell you everything you need to know about setting up a compost bin or worm farm. Or if you already have a system set up, you can find out how to make it work even better!

PLUS, all Lane Cove residents who attend a workshop will receive a free compost bin or worm farm.

To find out when the next workshop will be held, check out our Sustainability Events and Activities page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why use a compost bin or worm farm?
On average 40% of waste created in the home consists of food scraps! Composting and worm farming transform these waste food scraps into a natural fertiliser that will enrich the soil.

Rubbish tips in Sydney are rapidly filling up and the cost of waste disposal is increasing. Composting and worm farming helps reduce the amount of waste going to landfill.

Which do I need - a compost bin or a worm farm?
A key consideration is that a compost bin needs both food scraps and garden waste to work effectively, while a worm farm can only take food scraps. Worm farms are perfect for people with limited space.

How do I compost or worm farm?

The best way to learn is to attend a Composting and Worm Farming workshop run by Lane Cove Council. Otherwise you can download one of these helpful guides published by the Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water.

Where can I get a compost bin or worm farm?
Compost bins and worm farms are on sale at the Customer Service Centre at Council.

Compost bin - $52

Worm farm - $72

Compost turner - $26

Please contact Customer Service on 9911 3555 for further information.

Live worms are available at most nurseries and cost approximately $50 per 1000 worms.


What else can I do to reduce food waste going to landfill?
It is better to reduce the food waste your household produces in the first instance. Proper menu planning, safe food storage practices and using up leftovers can ensure that you waste less food. For tips on reducing food waste visit the Love Food Hate Waste website:

For more information about composting and worm farming contact Council’s Waste and Environmental Education Officer on 9911 3616.


Last updated 1 July 2013