b'Get the word out to your neighbours Onceyouveestablishedthecoredetailsofyourproject,itstimetospreadtheword to your neighbours and invite them to get involved!The best methods of promoting your event or project will depend on your unique building community. Use the method that you think will be most effectiveinreachingyouraudience.Chat to your neighbours about what you are planning and why you think its important. Your neighbours will be more likely to get involved if they hear from you personally.Posters or letterboxingCreate a poster to advertise your event or activity. Put up your posters in the common areas of your building where it can be easily noticed, such as foyers, lifts, noticeboards or reception areas. Alternatively,printflyerstodropinto apartment letterboxes.Word of mouthSometimes,themosteffectiveway to share your project or event is to simply talk to your neighbours! 25'