b'SAP Visual SummaryThis graphic outlines the Sustainability Action Plans themes, goals and actionsE NY VT Goal 12 Goal 1 II Vibrant and viableEnhance and value ourCommercialopen space, waterways RL precincts and bushland OI Goal 11 A B I L Goal 2An integratedN I Value and developNB transportI T our built and A network A C REATIVITY Y cultural heritage MGoal 10 T LCC SE UA diverseS Goal 3 Ehousing mix E CommunityS T P A resource V NU U efficient L Strategic Plan A communityI A I N ES Lane Cove:TV AL R TGoal 9 A Better QualityB Goal 4Connected S L A climateIand liveableof Life F resilient E TIG B Y O communities community N RI CY M M O M T I N UGoal 8 Goal 5D EA RAn inclusiveA communitycommunityliving E Lcelebrating culturalsustainablytolerance, cultural expression anddiversity Goal 6An engaged Goal 7 communityA vibrant, healthy andC safe communityO M I T YM U N14Sustainability Action Plan 20162021'