b'Executive SummaryThe Sustainability Action Plan (SAP) aims to enhance the quality of life in Lane Cove by: Integrating sustainability into all of Councils operations and improving sustainability performance.Identifying aspirational directions for sustainability initiatives across Council, business and community.Guiding the direction of sustainability levy funding to promote best practice sustainability outcomes.The SAP has three themes which reinforce the role of Council as a leading sustainability performer, guiding future strategies and actions across Councils operations. The themes reflects Councils quadruple bottom line approach ensuring all decisions consider a balance of economic, environmental, cultural and social elements. Each theme has four goals to clarify the sustainability direction of the theme and a list of actions. These goals and actions focus on areas of high importance and operations of high impact, where Council has the ability to educate and engage the community.ENVIRONMENT COMMUNITY LIVEABILITYGoal 1: Enhance and value our open space,Goal 5: A community living sustainably Goal 9: Connected and liveable communitieswaterways and bushlandGoal 2: Value and develop our built and culturalGoal 6: An engaged community Goal 10: A diverse housing mixheritageGoal 3: A resource efficient community Goal 7: A vibrant, healthy and safe community Goal 11: An integrated transport networkGoal 4: A climate resilient community Goal 8: An inclusive community celebrating culturalGoal 12: Vibrant and viable Commercial precinctstolerance, cultural expression and diversitySustainability Action Plan 201620213'