b'Integration of SAP into Councils Planning FrameworkCouncil has a Community Strategic Plan which sets the vision for Lane Cove, currentlyAs a result, the goals and actions within the Sustainability Action Plan will be embedded up until 2025. within the Delivery and Operational Plans and progress reported through the quarterly and annual reviews of these plans.Every four years Council develops a Delivery Plan that sets the targets for the Council term in-line with the objectives of the Strategic Plan. The Sustainability Action Plan is integral to ensuring that there is a holistic approach to the activities within the Delivery Plan and can assist in prioritising the delivery of The annual Operational Plan details the actions that will be undertaken each financialstrategic and operational projects. The Sustainability Action Plan will also feed into other year to ensure that progress is made towards the Delivery and Strategic plan targets. Council plans including but not limited to the Cultural Plan, Open Space Plan and Major Projects Plan.Sustainability Delivery PlanAction PlanSustainability Plan actions areActions outlined in the SAP areincluded within the Delivery and included as targets of the DeliveryOperational Plans. Achievements Plan every 4 years. are reported quarterly via the Operational Plan.Review of theSustainability Advisory Sustainability ActionCommitteePlanAn annual evaluation meeting will be A strategic review of the SAP willheld to track progress and capacity be undertaken every 3 years. for implementation of actions. Sustainability Action Plan 2016202115'