b'Goal 1: Enhance and Value Our Open Space, Waterways and BushlandID Action Priority Who Link1.9 Manage pets and control feral animals to reduce negative impacts on open space and bushland IMPORTANT ES/OSUS DPNE1.10 Support education about the value of natural heritage in Lane Cove e.g. raise awareness about localIMPORTANT OSUS DPNEspecies through community education and continue developing links with schools to encourage and promote local school programs1.11 Plan wildlife corridors and reserve linkages strategically on a regional basis BENEFICIAL OSUS DPNE1.12 Provide appropriate open spaces to allow for flexible use of parks and sport fields for culturalBENEFICIAL OSUS/HSDPNEactivities i.e. outdoor cinema and neighbourhood activities1.13 Design and manufacture site specific public art for parks and reserves BENEFICIAL OSUS/HS DPNESustainability Action Plan 2016202125'