b'3.Continue to deliver efficient Council owned,and leased, assetsContinue leadership in sustainability by ensuring all existing and new Council assets are energy and water efficient. Council has achieved a 28% emissions reduction since FY15. A further 35% reduction in emissions on current levels will be delivered through a suite of programs including the streetlighting replacement program, transitioning Councils fleet to Electric Vehicles and continuing to install solar PV as a standard on all buildings.4.Investigate establishing a Low Carbon Precinctin the LGACouncil will identify a precinct that will become a Low Carbon Precinct and be an exemplary model for the LGA.5.Water conservation strategiesCouncil will investigate ambitious water reduction opportunities that have the potential to achieve an 11% reduction in potable water consumption across the LGA. The biggest drivers of water reduction are new building standards and retrofit programs that target the residential sector.Sustainability Action Plan 201620215'